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.. _PlasticityMFront: ====================================================================== Elasto-plastic analysis implemented using the `MFront` code generator ====================================================================== This numerical tour has been written in collaboration with **Thomas Helfer** (thomas.helfer@cea.fr), MFront's main developper. ------------- Introduction ------------- This example is concerned with the incremental analysis of an elasto-plastic von Mises material. The behaviour is implemented using the code generator tool `MFront` [HEL2015]_ (see http://tfel.sourceforge.net). The behaviour integration is handled by the `MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport` project (see https://github.com/thelfer/MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport) which allows to load behaviours generated by `MFront` and handle the behaviour integration. Other information concerning FEniCS binding in `MFront` can be found at https://thelfer.github.io/mgis/web/FEniCSBindings.html, in particular binding through the C++ interface and inspired by the `Fenics Solid Mechanics project `_ is discussed. The considered example is exactly the same as the pure FEniCS tutorial :ref:`vonMisesPlasticity` so that both implementations can be compared. Many implementation steps are common to both demos and will not be discussed again here, the reader can refer to the previous tutorial for more details. The sources can be downloaded from :download:`plasticity_mfront.zip`. Let us point out that a pure FEniCS implementation was possible **only for this specific constitutive law**, namely von Mises plasticity with isotropic linear hardening, since the return mapping step is analytical in this case and can be expressed using simple UFL operators. The use of `MFront` can therefore make it possible to consider more complex material laws. Indeed, one only has to change the names of the behaviour and library generated by `MFront` to change the material behaviours, which can be arbitraly complex (although limited to small strains). This will be illustrated in forthcoming tutorials. Interested users may have a look at the examples of the `MFront` gallery to have a small overview of `MFront` abilities: http://tfel.sourceforge.net/gallery.html ------------- Prerequisites ------------- In order to run this numerical tour, you must first install the TFEL library on which `MFront` is built as well as MGIS (`MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport`). Please note that development versions are used for now. To proceed with the installation, we provide the following installation shell script :download:`install.sh`. Before running it, please install the necessary prerequisites mentioned in the script, e.g. on Ubuntu run:: > sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev g++ gfortran > sudo apt-get install git libqt5svg5-dev qtwebengine5-dev > sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib Once the installation script finished installing TFEL and MGIS, you can use MGIS by running the following command:: > source /codes/mgis/master/install/env.sh in which ```` is the installation directory you have chosen. As recalled later in the tutorial, the MFront behaviour file must first be compiled before running this Python script. The compilation command is:: > mfront --obuild --interface=generic IsotropicLinearHardeningPlasticity.mfront ----------------- Problem position ----------------- The present implementation will heavily rely on ``Quadrature`` elements to represent previous and current stress states, internal state variables (cumulated equivalent plastic strain :math:`p` in the present case) as well as components of the tangent stiffness matrix. The use of ``quadrature`` representation is therefore still needed to circumvent the known issue with ``uflacs``:: from __future__ import print_function from dolfin import * import numpy as np parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = 'quadrature' import warnings from ffc.quadrature.deprecation import QuadratureRepresentationDeprecationWarning warnings.simplefilter("once", QuadratureRepresentationDeprecationWarning) In order to bind `MFront` behaviours with FEniCS Python interface we will first load the `MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport` Python package named ``mgis`` and more precisely the ``behaviour`` subpackage:: import mgis.behaviour as mgis_bv As before, we load a ``Gmsh`` generated mesh representing a portion of a thick cylinder:: Re, Ri = 1.3, 1. # external/internal radius mesh = Mesh("thick_cylinder.xml") facets = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "thick_cylinder_facet_region.xml") ds = Measure('ds')[facets] We now define appropriate function spaces. Standard CG-space of degree 2 will still be used for the displacement whereas various Quadrature spaces are considered for: * stress/strain-like variables (represented here as 4-dimensional vector since the :math:`zz` component must be considered in the plane strain plastic behaviour) * scalar variables for the cumulated plastic strain * the consistent tangent matrix represented here as a tensor of shape 4x4 As in the previous tutorial a ``degree=2`` quadrature rule (i.e. 3 Gauss points) will be used. In the end, the total number of Gauss points in the mesh is retrieved as it will be required to instantiate `MFront` objects (note that it can be obtained from the dimension of the Quadrature function spaces or computed from the number of mesh cells and the chosen quadrature degree):: deg_u = 2 deg_stress = 2 stress_strain_dim = 4 V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", deg_u) # Quadrature space for sigma We = VectorElement("Quadrature", mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=deg_stress, dim=stress_strain_dim, quad_scheme='default') W = FunctionSpace(mesh, We) # Quadrature space for p W0e = FiniteElement("Quadrature", mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=deg_stress, quad_scheme='default') W0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, W0e) # Quadrature space for tangent matrix Wce = TensorElement("Quadrature", mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=deg_stress, shape=(stress_strain_dim, stress_strain_dim), quad_scheme='default') WC = FunctionSpace(mesh, Wce) # get total number of gauss points ngauss = W0.dim() Various functions are defined to keep track of the current internal state (stresses, current strain estimate, cumulative plastic strain and cpnsistent tangent matrix) as well as the previous displacement, current displacement estimate and current iteration correction:: # Define functions based on Quadrature spaces sig = Function(W, name="Current stresses") sig_old = Function(W) Eps1 = Function(W, name="Current strain increment estimate at the end of the end step") Ct = Function(WC, name="Consistent tangent operator") p = Function(W0, name="Cumulative plastic strain") p_old = Function(W0) u = Function(V, name="Displacement at the beginning of the time step") u1 = Function(V, name="Current displacement estimate at the end of the end step") du = Function(V, name="Iteration correction") v = TrialFunction(V) u_ = TestFunction(V) ---------------------------------------------------- Material constitutive law definition using `MFront` ---------------------------------------------------- We now define the material. First let us make a rapid description of some classes and functions introduced by the `MFrontGenericInterface` project that will be helpful for this tutorial: * the ``Behaviour`` class handles all the information about a specific `MFront` behaviour. It is created by the ``load`` function which takes the path to a library, the name of a behaviour and a modelling hypothesis. * the ``MaterialDataManager`` class handles a bunch of integration points. It is instantiated using an instance of the ``Behaviour`` class and the number of integration points [#]_. The ``MaterialDataManager`` contains various interesting members: - ``s0``: data structure of the ``MaterialStateManager`` type which stands for the material state at the beginning of the time step. - ``s1``: data structure of the ``MaterialStateManager`` type which stands for the material state at the end of the time step. - ``K``: a ``numpy`` array containing the consistent tangent operator at each integration points. * the ``MaterialStateManager`` class describe the state of a material. The following members will be useful in the following: - ``gradients``: a numpy array containing the value of the gradients at each integration points. The number of components of the gradients at each integration points is given by the ``gradients_stride`` member. - ``thermodynamic_forces``: a numpy array containing the value of the thermodynamic forces at each integration points. The number of components of the thermodynamic forces at each integration points is given by the ``thermodynamic_forces_stride`` member. - ``internal_state_variables``: a numpy array containing the value of the internal state variables at each integration points. The number of internal state variables at each integration points is given by the ``internal_state_variables_stride`` member. * the ``setMaterialProperty`` and ``setExternalStateVariable`` functions can be used to set the value a material property or a state variable respectively. * the ``update`` function updates an instance of the ``MaterialStateManager`` by copying the state ``s1`` at the end of the time step in the state ``s0`` at the beginning of the time step. * the ``revert`` function reverts an instance of the ``MaterialStateManager`` by copying the state ``s0`` at the beginning of the time step in the state ``s1`` at the end of the time step. * the ``integrate`` function triggers the behaviour integration at each integration points. Various overloads of this function exist. We will use a version taking as argument a ``MaterialStateManager``, the time increment and a range of integration points. In the present case, we compute a plane strain von Mises plasticity with isotropic linear hardening. The material behaviour is implemented in the :download:`IsotropicLinearHardeningPlasticity.mfront` file which must first be compiled to generate the appropriate librairies as follows:: > mfront --obuild --interface=generic IsotropicLinearHardeningPlasticity.mfront We can then setup the ``MaterialDataManager``:: # Defining the modelling hypothesis h = mgis_bv.Hypothesis.PlaneStrain # Loading the behaviour b = mgis_bv.load('src/libBehaviour.so','IsotropicLinearHardeningPlasticity',h) # Setting the material data manager m = mgis_bv.MaterialDataManager(b, ngauss) # elastic parameters E = 70e3 nu = 0.3 # yield strength sig0 = 250. Et = E/100. # hardening slope H = E*Et/(E-Et) for s in [m.s0, m.s1]: mgis_bv.setMaterialProperty(s, "YoungModulus", E) mgis_bv.setMaterialProperty(s, "PoissonRatio", nu) mgis_bv.setMaterialProperty(s, "HardeningSlope", H) mgis_bv.setMaterialProperty(s, "YieldStrength", sig0) mgis_bv.setExternalStateVariable(s, "Temperature", 293.15) Boundary conditions and external loading are defined as before along with the analytical limit load solution:: bc = [DirichletBC(V.sub(1), 0, facets, 1), DirichletBC(V.sub(0), 0, facets, 3)] n = FacetNormal(mesh) q_lim = float(2/sqrt(3)*ln(Re/Ri)*sig0) loading = Expression("-q*t", q=q_lim, t=0, degree=2) def F_ext(v): return loading*dot(n, v)*ds(4) -------------------------------------------- Global problem and Newton-Raphson procedure -------------------------------------------- Before writing the global Newton system, we first define the strain measure function ``eps_MFront`` consistent with the `MFront` conventions (see http://tfel.sourceforge.net/tensors.html for details). We also define the custom quadrature measure and the projection function onto Quadrature spaces:: def eps_MFront(v): e = sym(grad(v)) return as_vector([e[0, 0], e[1, 1], 0, sqrt(2)*e[0, 1]]) metadata = {"quadrature_degree": deg_stress, "quadrature_scheme": "default"} dxm = dx(metadata=metadata) def local_project(v, V, u=None): """ projects v on V with custom quadrature scheme dedicated to FunctionSpaces V of `Quadrature` type if u is provided, result is appended to u """ dv = TrialFunction(V) v_ = TestFunction(V) a_proj = inner(dv, v_)*dxm b_proj = inner(v, v_)*dxm solver = LocalSolver(a_proj, b_proj) solver.factorize() if u is None: u = Function(V) solver.solve_local_rhs(u) return u else: solver.solve_local_rhs(u) return The bilinear form of the global problem is obtained using the consistent tangent matrix ``Ct`` and the `MFront` strain measure, whereas the right-hand side consists of the residual between the internal forces associated with the current stress state ``sig`` and the external force vector. :: a_Newton = inner(eps_MFront(v), dot(Ct, eps_MFront(u_)))*dxm res = -inner(eps_MFront(u_), sig)*dxm + F_ext(u_) Before defining the Newton-Raphson loop, we set up the output file and appropriate FunctionSpace (here piecewise constant) and Function for output of the equivalent plastic strain since XDMF output does not handle Quadrature elements:: file_results = XDMFFile("plasticity_results.xdmf") file_results.parameters["flush_output"] = True file_results.parameters["functions_share_mesh"] = True P0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) p_avg = Function(P0, name="Plastic strain") The tangent stiffness is also initialized with the elasticity matrix:: it = mgis_bv.IntegrationType.PredictionWithElasticOperator mgis_bv.integrate(m, it, 0, 0, m.n); Ct.vector().set_local(m.K.flatten()) Ct.vector().apply("insert") The main difference with respect to the pure FEniCS implementation of the previous tutorial is that `MFront` computes the current stress state and stiffness matrix (``integrate`` method) based on the value of the total strain which is computed from the total displacement estimate ``u1``. The associated strain is projected onto the appropriate Quadrature function space so that its array of values at all Gauss points is given to `MFront` via the ``m.s1.gradients`` attribute. The flattened array of stress and tangent stiffness values are then used to update the current stress and tangent stiffness variables. The cumulated plastic strain is also retrieved from the ``internal_state_variables`` attribute (:math:`p` being the last column in the present case). At the end of the iteration loop, the material behaviour and the previous displacement variable are updated:: Nitermax, tol = 200, 1e-8 # parameters of the Newton-Raphson procedure Nincr = 20 load_steps = np.linspace(0, 1.1, Nincr+1)[1:]**0.5 results = np.zeros((Nincr+1, 2)) for (i, t) in enumerate(load_steps): loading.t = t A, Res = assemble_system(a_Newton, res, bc) nRes0 = Res.norm("l2") nRes = nRes0 u1.assign(u) print("Increment:", str(i+1)) niter = 0 while nRes/nRes0 > tol and niter < Nitermax: solve(A, du.vector(), Res, "mumps") # update the current estimate of the displacement at the end of the time step u1.assign(u1+du) # compute the current estimate of the strain at the end of the # time step using `MFront` conventions local_project(eps_MFront(u1), W, Eps1) # copy the strain values to `MGIS` m.s1.gradients[:, :] = Eps1.vector().get_local().reshape((m.n, stress_strain_dim)) # integrate the behaviour it = mgis_bv.IntegrationType.IntegrationWithConsistentTangentOperator mgis_bv.integrate(m, it, 0, 0, m.n); # getting the stress and consistent tangent operator back to # the FEniCS world. sig.vector().set_local(m.s1.thermodynamic_forces.flatten()) sig.vector().apply("insert") Ct.vector().set_local(m.K.flatten()) Ct.vector().apply("insert") # retrieve cumulated plastic strain values p.vector().set_local(m.s1.internal_state_variables[:, -1]) p.vector().apply("insert") # solve Newton system A, Res = assemble_system(a_Newton, res, bc) nRes = Res.norm("l2") print(" Residual:", nRes) niter += 1 # update the displacement for the next increment u.assign(u1) # update the material mgis_bv.update(m) # postprocessing results file_results.write(u, t) p_avg.assign(project(p, P0)) file_results.write(p_avg, t) results[i+1, :] = (u(Ri, 0)[0], t) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(results[:, 0], results[:, 1], "-o") plt.xlabel("Displacement of inner boundary") plt.ylabel(r"Applied pressure $q/q_{lim}$") plt.show() .. note:: Note that we defined the cumulative plastic strain variable :math:`p` in FEniCS only for post-processing purposes. In fact, FEniCS deals only with the global equilibrium whereas `MFront` manages the history of internal state variables, so that this variable would not have been needed if we were not interested in post-processing it. ------------------------- Results and future works ------------------------- We can verify that the convergence of the Newton-Raphson procedure is extremely similar between the `MFront`-based implementation and the pure FEniCS one, the same number of iterations per increment is obtained along with close values of the residual. **Total computing time** took approximately: * 5.9s for the present `MFront` implementation against * 6.8s for the previous FEniCS-only implementation Several points need to be mentioned regarding this implementation efficiency: * MGIS can handle parallel integration of the constitutive law which has not been used for the present computation * the present approach can be improved by letting MGIS reuse the memory already allocated by FEniCS which will reduce information transfer times and memory consumption * extension to large strains is a work in progress * this FEniCS/MGIS coupling will make it possible, in a near future, to test in a rapid manner generalized constitutive laws (higher-order theories, phase-field) and/or multiphysics couplings ------------ References ------------ .. [HEL2015] Helfer, Thomas, Bruno Michel, Jean-Michel Proix, Maxime Salvo, Jérôme Sercombe, and Michel Casella. 2015. *Introducing the Open-Source Mfront Code Generator: Application to Mechanical Behaviours and Material Knowledge Management Within the PLEIADES Fuel Element Modelling Platform.* Computers & Mathematics with Applications. . .. [#] Note that an instance of MaterialDataManager keeps a reference to the behaviour which has been used for its initialization: the user must ensure that this behaviour outlives the instance of the MaterialDataManager, otherwise memory corruption may occur.