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.. _ReissnerMindlinQuads: ========================================== Reissner-Mindlin plate with Quadrilaterals ========================================== ------------- Introduction ------------- This program solves the Reissner-Mindlin plate equations on the unit square with uniform transverse loading and fully clamped boundary conditions. The corresponding file can be obtained from :download:`reissner_mindlin_quads.py`. It uses quadrilateral cells and selective reduced integration (SRI) to remove shear-locking issues in the thin plate limit. Both linear and quadratic interpolation are considered for the transverse deflection :math:`w` and rotation :math:`\underline{\theta}`. .. note:: Note that for a structured square grid such as this example, quadratic quadrangles will not exhibit shear locking because of the strong symmetry (similar to the criss-crossed configuration which does not lock). However, perturbating the mesh coordinates to generate skewed elements suffice to exhibit shear locking. The solution for :math:`w` in this demo will look as follows: .. image:: clamped_40x40.png :scale: 40 % --------------- Implementation --------------- Material parameters for isotropic linear elastic behavior are first defined:: from dolfin import * E = Constant(1e3) nu = Constant(0.3) Plate bending stiffness :math:`D=\dfrac{Eh^3}{12(1-\nu^2)}` and shear stiffness :math:`F = \kappa Gh` with a shear correction factor :math:`\kappa = 5/6` for a homogeneous plate of thickness :math:`h`:: thick = Constant(1e-3) D = E*thick**3/(1-nu**2)/12. F = E/2/(1+nu)*thick*5./6. The uniform loading :math:`f` is scaled by the plate thickness so that the deflection converges to a constant value in the thin plate Love-Kirchhoff limit:: f = Constant(-thick**3) The unit square mesh is divided in :math:`N\times N` quadrilaterals:: N = 50 mesh = UnitSquareMesh.create(N, N, CellType.Type.quadrilateral) Continuous interpolation using of degree :math:`d=\texttt{deg}` is chosen for both deflection and rotation:: deg = 1 We = FiniteElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), deg) Te = VectorElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), deg) V = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([We, Te])) Clamped boundary conditions on the lateral boundary are defined as:: def border(x, on_boundary): return on_boundary bc = [DirichletBC(V, Constant((0., 0., 0.)), border)] Some useful functions for implementing generalized constitutive relations are now defined:: def strain2voigt(eps): return as_vector([eps[0, 0], eps[1, 1], 2*eps[0, 1]]) def voigt2stress(S): return as_tensor([[S[0], S[2]], [S[2], S[1]]]) def curv(u): (w, theta) = split(u) return sym(grad(theta)) def shear_strain(u): (w, theta) = split(u) return theta-grad(w) def bending_moment(u): DD = as_tensor([[D, nu*D, 0], [nu*D, D, 0],[0, 0, D*(1-nu)/2.]]) return voigt2stress(dot(DD,strain2voigt(curv(u)))) def shear_force(u): return F*shear_strain(u) The contribution of shear forces to the total energy is under-integrated using a custom quadrature rule of degree :math:`2d-2` i.e. for linear (:math:`d=1`) quadrilaterals, the shear energy is integrated as if it were constant (1 Gauss point instead of 2x2) and for quadratic (:math:`d=2`) quadrilaterals, as if it were quadratic (2x2 Gauss points instead of 3x3):: u = Function(V) u_ = TestFunction(V) du = TrialFunction(V) dx_shear = dx(metadata={"quadrature_degree": 2*deg-2}) L = f*u_[0]*dx a = inner(bending_moment(u_), curv(du))*dx + dot(shear_force(u_), shear_strain(du))*dx_shear We then solve for the solution and export the relevant fields to XDMF files :: solve(a == L, u, bc) (w, theta) = split(u) Vw = FunctionSpace(mesh, We) Vt = FunctionSpace(mesh, Te) ww = u.sub(0, True) ww.rename("Deflection", "") tt = u.sub(1, True) tt.rename("Rotation", "") file_results = XDMFFile("RM_results.xdmf") file_results.parameters["flush_output"] = True file_results.parameters["functions_share_mesh"] = True file_results.write(ww, 0.) file_results.write(tt, 0.) The solution is compared to the Kirchhoff analytical solution:: print("Kirchhoff deflection:", -1.265319087e-3*float(f/D)) print("Reissner-Mindlin FE deflection:", -min(ww.vector().get_local())) # point evaluation for quads # is not implemented in fenics 2017.2 For :math:`h=0.001` and 50 quads per side, one finds :math:`w_{FE} = 1.38182\text{e-5}` for linear quads and :math:`w_{FE} = 1.38176\text{e-5}` for quadratic quads against :math:`w_{\text{Kirchhoff}} = 1.38173\text{e-5}` for the thin plate solution.