Welcome to Numerical tours of Computational Mechanics using FEniCSΒΆ
- Introduction
- Linear problems in solid mechanics
- 2D linear elasticity
- Orthotropic linear elasticity
- Axisymmetric formulation for elastic structures of revolution
- Linear thermoelasticity (weak coupling)
- Thermo-elastic evolution problem (full coupling)
- Modal analysis of an elastic structure
- Time-integration of elastodynamics equation
- Axial, bending and shear stiffnesses of generic beam cross-sections
- Homogenization of heterogeneous materials
- Eigenvalue problems in solid mechanics
- Nonlinear problems in solid mechanics
- Documented demos coupling FEniCS with MFront
- Stationnary non-linear heat transfer
- Stationnary non-linear heat transfer: 3D problem and performance comparisons
- Transient heat equation with phase change
- Monolithic transient thermo-elasticity
- Small-strain von Mises elastoplasticity
- Finite-strain elastoplasticity within the logarithmic strain framework
- Multiphase model for fiber-reinforced materials
- Phase-field approach to brittle fracture
- Beams
- Plates
- Shells
- Topology optimization of structures
- Tips and Tricks
- Useful packages